First, we want everyone to know how much we appreciate your photos. You and all of your beautiful dogs motivate us every day. We have the best customers on Earth.
Your dogs are obviously much-loved and cared for, glowing in health. We're so grateful for all of you.
Now, for the judging!
As we suspected, David Brier was overwhelmed with amazing photos this year. In fact when he was struggling with the Medium Dogs, he said he just could not choose. But, he did pull out his absolute favorite, then, as you will see, we created Honorable Mention winners too!
He remarked that the photos of the dogs in all the classes were simply beautiful, and asked that I let everyone know how very impressed he is with all the Dogs of Napa Fresh. He was blown away.
Thank you so very much David! We know you made some very difficult choices.

The Winner is Bailey, owned by Amie & Ron. Her sweet face was un-deniable! She's been a Napa Fresh girl for a long time.
Honorable Mention
Peanut, owned by Maribel and Sergio. Another very pretty face!

The winner is Martha, owned and adored by Sandy. What a photo! And notice her brother, Robbe, behind her in the window.

Honorable Mention is the sweet Hula, owned and loved by Susan and Bob. She is just adorable.

This was the toughest class. The winner is Cai, the little mischief maker loved by Doreen & Mark. His photo is un-deniable!

Honorable Mentions
Neha, owned and loved by Nick. Another simply beautiful photo of his girl.

Another Honorable Mention is Sally, adored by Darcy. What a photo!

And who could deny Hannah's JD? As handsome and sweet as they come, deserving Honorable Mention.

Another tough class for David - but the stand out for him was the ever-handsome Zeke, loved and adored by Nancy & Mike. His photo is a knockout (I sorta' knew David would pick this one!).

Honorable Mention is the young Cooper, owned and loved by Rose & David. Talk about a handsome dude!

Another Big Dogs Honorable Mention goes to the glamorous Gabbi, loved by Candi. Just beautiful!

Kaiser was the stand out in this class, loved very deeply by Elizabeth. What a photo!

Of course, the Honorable Mentions are stunning too. One goes to Mickey & Alex's youngest, handsome boy, Chewy. That expression!

And, Tally, owned and loved by Pam, could not be denied.

Again, thank you all so very much for sending in your fabulous photos. We love them all, and it will be sad to take them down from the barn, but we know you will enjoy seeing them on your walls at home.