Once you start feeding Napa Fresh, you'll notice some lovely changes in your dog.
The first thing you'll notice is that his/her fur begins to soften and shine. That's because you're feeding what nature intended, and what is most easily digested by dogs: FRESH MEAT. Adding fresh cod liver oil enhances that experience. And by eliminating all the carbs and grains, many skin problems simply disappear. Skin becomes healthy again.
After that, you might actually worry that your dog isn't drinking enough water! We hear that often, but, this is normal for a fresh-fed dog. They simply don't require a lot of water, because their body's needs are being met by the moisture content of the fresh ingredients.
A dog that is fed a dry diet, even if they are being fed some"wet" food too, is often in a constant state of slight dehydration from not only the lack of moisture but from the heavy carb meals, which are very difficult for a dog to digest. This causes inflammation, which, over time damages organs over time, according to Dr. Becker and Dr Brady.
And, guess what? If they aren't drinking as much, they aren't peeing as much, and their poops are lovely! No more big, messy, smelly poops at this house. Because fresh food, especially fresh meat, is so easily digested, it is also utilized by a dog's body, so there is little waste. Yay!
Two other important things happen. Your dog's weight will normalize if you are feeding the correct amount of Napa Fresh (normally 2% of ideal body weight per day - small dogs might need more). A dog can easily become overweight on kibble again because it is laden with carbs that a dog's body cannot use. Just lowering the amount of kibble doesn't work, and can cause nutrient deficiencies. It is important for a dog to be in lean weight. An overweight or obese dog loses two years of lifespan.
Feeding a fresh raw diet and getting your dog to a correct weight adds years!
You'll notice that energy levels increase too. With a body that's working properly, dogs just feel better, and most of our customers have the same experience we do at meal time - the dogs just go nuts! They actually start poking us when meal time is close, and become very excited for their Napa Fresh! We had never had this experience before Napa Fresh.
Lastly, Dr. Brady writes that dry food fuels poor behavior in dogs and cites studies. It comes from the carbs/sugar and chemicals in the dry food. If the dog isn't being fed what it needs, and there is inflammation, you can imagine that the dog does not feel his best.
We'd enjoy hearing your comments and questions!